Rates calculator
Use this calculator to estimate your Northern Beaches Council rates under the 4 proposed scenarios phased in across the next 3 financial years. For information on each option’s service levels and community infrastructure impacts visit Your Say.

Note: This calculator only reflects the rates component of your rates notice. The increases proposed do not apply to waste and stormwater service charges. Please visit the Rates FAQs on our website for a search tool to see what rates and charges apply to your property.

Select property
Unable to find your address? Please check the property address listed on your recent rates notice as some properties may have an alternative name. Properties that have recently been subdivided or consolidated or that are undergoing rating or valuation changes may not be available. Please contact our Rates Team to assist you.

Land value
Your current rates 2024/25

Option 1 - Reduce services : Rate peg only (current path)
Outcome: increased maintenance backlog and cuts to services
2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 TOTAL
cumulative increase
Total rates increase
(rate peg)

Option 2 - Maintain services : Rate peg + 6% pa over 3 years
Outcome: retain services and address maintenance and environmental programs funding shortfall
2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 TOTAL
cumulative increase
Variation above rate peg
Total rates increase
(rate peg + variation)

Option 3 - Improve services : Rate peg + 8.3% pa over 2 years and 8.4% in year 3
Outcome: option 2 plus improve facilities and deliver larger projects
2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 TOTAL
cumulative increase
Variation above rate peg
Total rates increase
(rate peg + variation)

Option 4 - Increase services : Rate peg + 10% pa over 3 years
Outcome: options 2 & 3 plus accelerate infrastructure delivery and increase services
2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 TOTAL
cumulative increase
Variation above rate peg
Total rates increase
(rate peg + variation)
